• On May 9, 2024, the ASRT site will undergo maintenance between 5pm - 7pm MDT. The ASRT site might be unavailable at times during this maintenance.
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Governance, Chapters and Affiliates
Affiliate Delegates Criteria


The duties of affiliate delegates are set by the affiliate societies. If the affiliate society wants the delegate to make a report to the board of directors when he or she returns from the ASRT Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting, or if the affiliate wants the delegate to write a report for publication in the affiliate newsletter, then it is up to the affiliate to tell the delegate. The delegate represents the affiliate and votes on matters when the House is in session.

Each affiliate society is encouraged to use the affiliate delegate as the primary information liaison between itself and the ASRT House of Delegates. Affiliate delegates should provide a report to their affiliate. ASRT representation may also be provided at the affiliate's annual conference. Responsibilities could include:

  • Provide an ASRT update.
  • Install officers.
  • Provide ASRT membership applications and brochures.
  • Encourage and invite support of the ASRT Education and Research Foundation.


  1. Two delegates and two alternate delegates shall be elected or appointed by each ASRT affiliate in accordance with affiliate procedures.
  2. Affiliates shall submit completed affiliate delegate information forms to ASRT for the delegates and alternate delegates by the end of the last business day in January. Delegate and alternate delegate positions not filled with qualified members by the last business day in January shall remain open until after the annual meeting of the House of Delegates.
  3. A delegate shall be a voting member of the ASRT and the affiliate being represented for two (2) years immediately preceding nomination.
  4. A delegate shall have served as an officer, or on the Board of Directors or as a committee member in the affiliate being represented.
  5. A delegate shall practice in the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession or health care.
  6. A delegate may serve concurrently on the board of any national medical imaging or radiation therapy certification or national accreditation agency.
  7. A delegate shall have the time and availability for necessary travel to represent the ASRT.
  8. A delegate shall attend the annual meeting of the House of Delegates and all meetings required of delegates.