• On May 9, 2024, the ASRT site will undergo maintenance between 5pm - 7pm MDT. The ASRT site might be unavailable at times during this maintenance.

Patio and Gardens

The ASRT office is home to a staff of nearly 130 people, and is the home away from home of more than 153,000 members. National conference events, volunteer leadership meetings, educational curriculum advisory groups and industry task forces are just a few of the many important constituencies who visit, enjoy and utilize our facilities for collaboration and results. Increasing our foot traffic even more, ASRT opens its spaces to state and local community organizations, from the Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapy Advisory Council to the American Red Cross. Our high-visibility areas are hubs of productivity, inspiration or relaxation valued by staff and guests.

This expansive outdoor seating area located adjacent to the bistro includes a covered patio with water feature, beautifully xeriscaped grounds and a grouping of fixed benches overlooking nature and city views. Given an average 360 days of sunshine a year, this area is continually used for conference breaks, luncheons and events.

Photos of the Patio and Gardens

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