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Exhibit & Sponsorship Rules and Regulations

  • Along with the terms and conditions of the application for exhibitor/sponsor, the following rules and regulations are an integral and binding part of each exhibitor’s contract with ASRT.

    Exhibitors/sponsors acknowledge that their participation at the ASRT Radiation Therapy Conference is at the sole business discretion of the ASRT.

    Therefore, ASRT’s decision to allow exhibitors, sponsors, and advertisers to participate is based upon their actions related to the event and their furthering the goals of the radiologic sciences and allowing for intellectual exchange.

    By virtue of their decision to participate in the event, the exhibitor, sponsor or advertiser agrees it will not directly or indirectly, expressly or implicitly take any action inconsistent with this policy.

  • Definition of Management

    The word “management” used here means the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), its agents and employees acting on its behalf, and the management of the display facility.

  • Definition of Authorized Contact

    The word “authorized contact” used here and on the application for exhibit/sponsorship means that the person listed is authorized to make all decisions on behalf of his or her company or organization regarding exhibits and will be contacted by management regarding exhibit inquiries.

  • Definition of Exhibitor and Sponsor

    The term “exhibitor” used here means a company or organization authorized by the ASRT to set up an exhibit at an ASRT event. Exhibit size, location and construction may vary according to event restrictions and will be determined by management. The word “sponsor” used here means a company or organization authorized by the ASRT to remit a support fee for recognition or advertising.

  • Enforcement of ASRT Rules and Regulations

    Rules and regulations serve to:

    1. Protect the integrity of the conference.
    2. Ensure compliance with laws, codes and exhibition facility contracts.
    3. Ensure that all corporate supporters are treated fairly.

    Only those persons, firms or organizations that have a contract with management for the occupancy of exhibit space are permitted to show or demonstrate products, processes or services or solicit orders, distribute surveys or advertising materials at their display. Any infringement will result in the prompt removal of the offending person(s) and materials from the display and meeting areas.

  • Meeting Schedule

    The ASRT Radiation Therapy Conference begins on Sunday, September 28, and ends on Tuesday, September 30. During that period, neither exhibitors nor their agents may conduct or support any educational, marketing or media activities directed toward ASRT conference attendees. Any events held after hours that are not part of the ASRT Radiation Therapy Conference must be approved by the ASRT. To hold a function in conjunction with this meeting, an exhibitor should contact Corporate Relations at [email protected].

  • Exhibit Information

    Exhibitors may occupy their exhibit space after all installation conditions set forth in these rules and regulations are met. Exhibit hours are September 28 and 29, 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and September 30, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Times are tentative and subject to change.

    Opening and Closing Day

    • Exhibit installation is Saturday, September 27, from noon to 4:00 p.m. All exhibits must be fully operational by 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 27. No installation work will be allowed after that time without special permission from the ASRT.
    • No installation is permitted during exhibit hours.
    • Exhibits can be dismantled beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 30. All exhibits must be dismantled by 1:00 p.m.

    Floor Plan and Location Assignments

    • All exhibits will be located in the ASRT exhibit hall.
    • Exhibitors will be given their exhibit location in advance and can locate their assigned space when they arrive on site.

    Display Design/Construction

    • Each exhibit space will be furnished with one or two draped 6’ table(s) and two or four chairs, based on order application, 8’ high back drape and 3’ high side drape. No signage may be affixed in any way to the provided drape.
    • All exhibits must conform to and enhance the professional, educational and instructional atmosphere of the conference.
    • Exhibits may not exceed the 8’ high back drape.
    • Exhibits shall be constructed and arranged so that they do not obstruct the general view or hide adjacent exhibits from the normal line of sight.
    • Any electrical or mechanical apparatus must be muffled so that noise does not disturb other exhibitors.
  • Restriction on Use of Space

    • Solicitations or demonstrations must be confined within the bounds of the assigned exhibit space. Aisle space shall not be used for exhibit purposes, display signs or solicitation or distribution of promotional material.
    • No exhibit shall sublet, assign or share any part of the allocated space without the written consent of management.
    • Exhibitors are not allowed to hang any identification signs or display elements from the ceilings or walls.
    • Exhibitor identification in all ASRT publications and on all signs and exhibit space graphics must be the company name submitted on the application/contract.
  • Failure to Occupy Space

    • Exhibitor will forfeit space not occupied by the close of the exhibit installation period, unless special arrangements have been made with ASRT.
    • Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the space may be reassigned or used by management without refund unless prior approval is obtained in writing from management.
  • General Service Contractor

    ASRT will designate an official service contractor. A service kit with further instructions regarding shipments, electricity, etc will be sent to exhibitors in late July. If an exhibitor chooses to use a service contractor other than the ASRT-designated one for the installation/dismantle of their booth (Exhibitor Authorized Contractor), ASRT must be provided with a Certificate of Insurance from that contractor at least 2 weeks prior to move-in.

  • Security

    Security will not be provided during non-exhibit hours. Although every effort will be made to ensure exhibitor property is safe during non-exhibit hours, neither the Omni Shoreman Hotel nor ASRT will be responsible for loss or damage to any property.

  • Tax Requirements

    Exhibitors are responsible for complying with all state and local sales tax requirements. ASRT will have no responsibility for any sales tax due.

  • License and Permits

    Exhibitors are to have all proper licenses and permits required by the State of California and the City of San Francisco.

  • Nonsmoking Policy

    Smoking is not allowed in the meeting or exhibit area. Smoking is permitted in designated outdoor areas only. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that all individuals associated with their exhibits abide by this policy.

  • Music

    Music will not be permitted.

  • Fire and Safety

    Materials used in the exhibit area must be flameproof and fire-resistant, conforming to local fire ordinances and in accordance with regulations established by the National Association of Fire Underwriters. Crepe paper, corrugated display racks, signs, spotlights and special equipment must be approved before use, and all displays are subject to inspection by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Any exhibits or parts thereof found not to be fireproof may be ordered dismantled. Aisles must be kept clear at all times, and fire stations and fire extinguishers are not to be covered or obstructed.

  • Damage to Exhibit Facility

    Exhibitor must surrender occupied space in the same condition it was at the commencement of occupation. The exhibitor or its agents shall not injure or deface the furniture or walls, columns or floors of the exhibit facilities. If such damage appears, the exhibitor shall be solely liable to the owner of the property damaged.

  • Liability and Limitations

    Exhibitor agrees to protect, save and keep ASRT and Omni Shoreman Hotel forever harmless for any damage or charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance by the exhibitor, its employees or agents. Exhibitor further agrees to comply strictly with the terms and conditions contained in the agreements between ASRT and Omni Shoreman Hotel regarding the exhibit premises. In addition, the exhibitor shall at all times protect, indemnify, save and keep harmless ASRT and Omni Shoreman Hotel against any and all loss, cost, damage or liability of expenses arising out of, from or by reason of any act or omission of the exhibitor, its employees or agents.

    ASRT and Omni Shoreman Hotel shall indemnify and hold harmless exhibitors from and against any and all demands, claims, damages to persons or property, losses and liabilities, including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by the Group’s negligence and/or its members’ negligence in connection with the use of the space.

    If Omni Shoreman Hotel should be destroyed or damaged or if the conference fails to take place as scheduled or is interrupted and/or discontinued or access to the premises is prevented or interfered with by reason of any strike, lock-out, injunction, act of God, emergency declared by any governmental agency or by the Director of Meetings and Conferences for any reason, ASRT may terminate the exhibitor/sponsor contract.

    In the event of such termination, the exhibitor/sponsor waives all damages and claims for damages and agrees that the sole liability of ASRT will be to return the exhibit payment less the prorated share of all expenses incurred by ASRT to the exhibitor/sponsor. ASRT and Omni Shoreman Hotel shall not be responsible for damage to crated, uncrated and/or material not placed on skids, nor for concealed damage to materials.

    After displays or materials are placed in the exhibit space, ASRT and Omni Shoreman Hotel will not be responsible for the condition, count or content of materials. Therefore, all materials should be properly insured while in transit and for the duration of the conference. Exhibitors wishing to insure their exhibit materials must do so at their own expense.

  • Marketing and Promotional Material

    ASRT must approve all promotional materials and giveaways at the conference. Exhibitors wishing to distribute materials to hotel rooms in the conference hotel must obtain prior approval from ASRT.

  • ASRT Logo Use

    Any use or reproduction of ASRT trademarks, service marks, trade names or close approximations thereof without the express written consent of ASRT is prohibited. The name “American Society of Radiologic Technologists” and the letters “ASRT” are registered trademarks of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Use of the aforementioned in conjunction with advertisements, promotional materials, endorsements, statements, contests and/or awards of any kind is prohibited.

  • Photography and Videography Release

    ASRT uses photography and videography of conference events in its promotional materials. Unless an individual revokes this permission in writing to ASRT at [email protected], exhibitors, sponsors, and personnel associated agree to the use of their likeness in such materials by virtue of exhibiting at the conference.

  • Payments and Cancellations

    Exhibits and Sponsorships must remit 50% of the total exhibit/sponsorship fee upon receipt of invoice with full final payment by July 11, 2025. Unless contracted after final payment date, then full payment is due within 30 days of invoicing.

    Exhibits and Sponsorships that have not paid in full based on invoiced terms, ASRT reserves the right to reassign exhibit space and/or sponsorship, regardless of any assessment charge paid by an exhibitor or sponsor. ASRT reserves the right to revoke Exhibitor badges with an unpaid balance for any exhibitor.

    The authorized contact must notify ASRT Corporate Relations department via e-mail to [email protected] regarding a cancellation. Cancellations cannot be recognized officially without written notice.

    In the event an exhibitor or sponsor cancels from the conference, the following cancellation assessment charge will apply:

    • On or before-July 11, 2025: 50 percent of the total fee.
    • After July 11, 2025: 100 percent of the total fee.

    ASRT reserves the right to reassign canceled exhibit space and/or canceled sponsorship, regardless of any cancellation assessment charge paid by an exhibitor/sponsor.

    Subsequent reassignment of canceled space does not relieve the exhibitor or sponsor of the obligation to pay the cancellation assessment charge. Appropriate payment of any cancellation assessment charge balance due must be received within 30 days of cancellation date.

  • Conference Cancellation

    In the event force majeure or circumstances beyond the control of management causes exhibits/sponsorships to be canceled, refunds of “Paid Exhibit Space/Sponsorship Fee” thereof shall be made at the sole discretion of ASRT and will not exceed any non-reimbursable direct and/or indirect cost incurred by ASRT.

  • Assignment of Space

    Space assignment/selection will begin on or before June 15, 2025. Space assignment/selection is based on investment level, application date, and required exhibit space/sponsorship payments according to the terms detailed above.

  • Amendments

    ASRT may amend these rules and regulations, and all amendments shall be equally binding on all parties affected by them, as are the original rules and regulations. In the event of any amendments or additions to these rules and regulations, ASRT will provide written notice to any affected exhibitors/sponsors.

Questions? Contact Us

Email [email protected] or call 505-298-4500 Ext. 1915