Leadership Academy Logo

Leadership Academy Application


Qualified applicants to the ASRT Leadership Academy must meet these criteria:

  • ASRT member for three consecutive years before date of application.
  • Affiliate member for two consecutive years before date of application.
  • Have not previously completed the ASRT Leadership Academy.

Preference is given to first time ASRT committee members and first time officers of an affiliate board of directors.


Due Date: June 30, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. MST.

Complete this form, attach a copy of your current curriculum vitae and affiliate card. This form must be used; no other form will be accepted. Submit application by the deadline to be considered for participation in the next program.



Personal Profile
* if marked it is required.

* ASRT member number (You must be an active ASRT member)

Curriculum Vitae
Click on the box to select a file. Upload a copy of your Curriculum Vitae.
Affiliate Card
Click on the box to select a file. Upload a copy of your affiliate card.
First Name

Last Name

Street address




I prefer to receive correspondence by:

Professional Profile


Do you currently or have you previously served on the board of directors or in another volunteer capacity for an ASRT affiliate?


Q and A

Please provide a brief answer that explains how participating in the ASRT Leadership Academy would benefit you.

Applicant Certification

I submit this application form and the attached curriculum vitae for consideration as a participant in the ASRT Leadership Academy. If chosen, I will comply with ASRT policies and will communicate with the Society in all matters.

By applying for the ASRT Leadership Academy, I understand that if I am chosen, I am also agreeing to apply for a future volunteer commitment with the ASRT or my affiliate society. This volunteer commitment must be for at least one year and shall occur after completion of the program.