ASRT Position Statements
Effective June 30, 2024
ASRT position statements reflect the beliefs or standing of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. In reviewing these position statements, one must take into account existing state statutes and institutional policy.
Collective Bargaining Units
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that the Society not serve as a collective bargaining unit.
Amended, Resolution, 06-3.09, 2006
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.57, 2009
Conjoint Evaluation of Educational Programs
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that, in states where state agencies approve medical imaging and radiation therapy educational programs, evaluation of such programs be conducted jointly by the state agency and the applicable Joint Review Committee(s) or equivalent.
Amended, Main Motion, C-08.06, 2008
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.36, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-17.11, 2017
Degree Requirements for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Program Directors and Clinical Coordinators
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that medical imaging and radiation therapy program directors hold a minimum of a master’s degree and that clinical coordinators hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree.
Adopted, Resolution, 98-2.02, 1998
Amended, Resolution, 06-2.03, 2006
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.37, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-14.13, 2014
Documentation of Digital Images to Maintain the Patient Dose Record
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that all digital radiographic images acquired upon the order of a licensed practitioner for use in diagnosis or guidance be submitted for interpretation, documented or archived as part of the patient’s medical image and radiation dose record.
Adopted, Main Motion, C-16.17, 2016
Amended, Main Motion C-24.02, 2024
Entry Level of Education for Radiation Therapists
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that the baccalaureate degree is the entry level for radiation therapists.
Adopted, Resolution, C-07.10, 2007
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.39, 2009
Federal Minimum Standards for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that the U.S. Congress should enact federal
minimum standards of education and certification for all individuals performing medical imaging, or planning and/or delivering radiation therapy. Such standards should be, at the minimum, equivalent to those established for educational
accreditation by the Joint Review Committees or equivalent and certification by certification agencies recognized by
the ASRT.
Amended, Resolution, 95-2.08, 1995
Amended, Resolution, 06-2.06, 2006
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.44, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-16.20, 2016
Level of Education for the Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Profession
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that the baccalaureate degree is the professional level of medical imaging and radiation therapy education if it contains related upper division coursework.
Adopted, Resolution, 94-2.04, 1994
Amended, Resolution, 95-2.05, 1995
Amended, Resolution, 06-2.05, 2007
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.41, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-14.14, 2014
Majority Representation on State Radiologic Technologist Licensure or Regulatory Boards and Committees
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that the majority of members appointed or designated to serve on state radiologic technologist licensure or regulatory boards and committees be practicing registered medical imaging or radiation therapy professionals, as outlined by the ASRT Practice Standards, with expertise in the disciplines licensed or regulated by that entity.
Adopted, Resolution, C-07.05, 2007
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.46, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-16.21, 2016
Amended, Main Motion, C-17.14, 2017
Opposition to Employment of Uncertified or Unlicensed Individuals
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes the employment or utilization of uncertified or unlicensed individuals to perform medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures. This is a breach of responsibility of the health care industry in providing quality patient care.
Adopted, Resolution, 93-3.01, 1993
Amended, Resolution, 94-1.21, 1994
Amended, Resolution, 06-1.04, 2006
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.81, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-19.03, 2019
Opposition to Institutional Licensure of Radiologic Technologists
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes institutional licensure of radiologic technologists.
Amended, Resolution, 06-1.03, 2006
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.45, 2009
Opposition to Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Professionals Supervising or Training Unlicensed or Uncertified Individuals
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes medical imaging or radiation therapy professional being required to supervise or train individuals in the delivery of medical imaging or radiation therapy procedures unless those individuals being trained are educationally prepared as stated in the ASRT Practice Standards.
Adopted, Resolution, 02-3.01, 2002
Amended, Main Motion, C-08.15, 2008
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.49, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-16.22, 2016
Amended, Main Motion, C-17.16, 2017
Amended, Main Motion C-24.02, 2024
Opposition to Remote Medical Imaging without a Radiologic Technologist
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes remote medical imaging of patients unless a radiologic
technologist who is educationally prepared and clinically competent for the specific imaging modality is
physically present to provide patient care and maintain safety of the environment where the procedure is being
performed by a remote operator.
Adopted, Main Motion, C-23.02, 2023
Opposition to Use of Fluoroscopy for Positioning
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes the use of fluoroscopy to ensure proper positioning for radiography prior to making an exposure. This is unethical, increases patient dose and should never be used in place of appropriate skills required of the competent radiologic technologist.
Adopted, Resolution, 06-3.14, 2006
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.55, 2009
Opposition to Use of Full-body Computed Tomography Screening
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes the use of full-body computed tomography as a screening tool.
Adopted, Resolution, 02-3.08, 2002
Amended, Main Motion, C-08.42, 2008
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.80, 2009
Opposition to Use of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Equipment for Nonmedical Purposes
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists opposes the use of all medical imaging and radiation therapy equipment to produce images on live humans for nonmedical entrepreneurial application or entertainment contrary to the tenets of ethical medical practice.
Adopted, Resolution, 05-3.01, 2005
Amended, Main Motion, C-08.41, 2008
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.75, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-15.01, 2015
Professional Programmatic Peer Review
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists supports professional programmatic peer review for all medical imaging and radiation therapy educational programs.
Adopted, Main Motion, C-11.34, 2011
Public Health Statements
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that the Society release position statements on public health issues to increase public awareness of the diverse contributions in health care by the members of the ASRT.
Adopted, Resolution, 92-1.07, 1992
Amended, Resolution, 94-1.23, 1994
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.34, 2009
Staffing for Radiation Therapy Treatment Delivery
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that two registered radiation therapists per patient per treatment unit is the minimum standard for safe and efficient delivery of radiation therapy.
Adopted, Resolution, 98-3.04, 1998
Amended, Main Motion, C-08.44, 2008
State Agency Recognition of Joint Review Committees
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that state agencies accept accreditation of medical imaging and radiation therapy educational programs by Joint Review Committees or equivalent to meet state standards.
Adopted, Main Motion, C-09.03, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-14.11, 2014
State Licensure Examinations by Certification Agencies Recognized by the ASRT
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that state agencies should contract with certification agencies recognized by the ASRT to administer state licensure examinations.
Amended, Main Motion, C-08.14, 2008
Amended, Main Motion, C-09.48, 2009
Amended, Main Motion, C-16.23, 2016
Three-Dimensional Modeling and Printing in Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
It is the position of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists that it is within the scope of practice for medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals, as outlined by the ASRT Practice Standards, who are educationally prepared and clinically competent to postprocess, reconstruct and create or print three-dimensional models from medical imaging or radiation therapy data.
Adopted, Main Motion, C-16.25, 2016
Amended, Main Motion, C-17.18, 2017