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Venipuncture Certification For Radiology Technologist - 6 CE units $275


This course provides 6 hours of didactic training approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologist, Department Of Education & complies with California Health & Safety Code 106986, Sect. 27. Course topics: Anatomy & physiology of venipuncture sites; Venipuncture instruments, solutions & related equipment; Venipuncture techniques; Techniques of intravenous line establishment; Hazards & complications of venipuncture; Post puncture care & Infection control; Signs & symptoms of adverse reaction to IV contrast; Composition & purpose of Anaphylaxis Tray; First aid related to complications of venipuncture; Practice on boards/mannequins & 3 live Venipunctures in classroom. ASRT & California Health & Safety Code 106985, Sect. 27, specify that 10 hours of training are required for certification. Successful completion of this course provides 6 of those hours. The other 4 hours are from the AHA BLS, CPR & AED Certificate training that is required for your CPR card. Please register early.


Medical Advancement Center

Additional Information

This course is being conducted with COVID-19 in mind. Call for the details. Please register early.

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