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Governance, Chapters and Affiliates

ASRT Chapters are part of the governance function of the ASRT.

ASRT Communities

ASRT Chapters  Member Exclusive

ASRT Chapters provide members with an avenue to participate in modality or specialty specific initiatives and qualify as chapter representatives for the ASRT House of Delegates, the organization's governing body.

Join the discussion

Each chapter has its own private social network on the ASRT Communities platform where members can connect.

Chapter Delegates

Chapter Delegates

Serve as a Chapter Delegate by submitting your nomination for the ASRT Election. Delegates are responsible for approving the ASRT Bylaws, position statements and Practice Standards for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy.

Visit Elections and Get Involved as a Chapter Delegate
Chapter E-Blast

Chapter E-Blast

Current ASRT Chapter Leaders may use this form to request an email blast be sent to their respective ASRT Chapter members on their behalf.

E-Blast Request Form