• The ASRT and Foundation sites will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, March 6th from 4:45 - 9pm (MST). Areas requiring login will not be functional during this time.

Product Accessibility

Accessibility in ASRT Continuing Education

ASRT continues to work toward building accessibility into the hundreds of quality continuing education products it creates for medical imaging and radiation therapy professions. ASRT uses Section 508 federal law to establish standards for technology accessibility in our online CE products. ASRT has completed the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® ( VPAT®) in order to document our CE products’ accessibility features.

Products in the ASRT Store fall into the following two voluntary product accessibility classifications:


VPAT-A Audio
VPAT-A Document


VPAT-B Audio
VPAT-B Document


You can find the classification VPAT-A or VPAT-B under each product in the ASRT Store. CE products with no VPAT designation have not been evaluated for accessibility.

If you have questions regarding ASRT product compliance with the amended Section 508 Rehabilitation Act, send us an e-mail.

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