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  • ASRT Announcement

ASRT 2022 Election Results

Mar 15, 2022

Members of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists have elected four officers to serve on the 2022-2023 ASRT Board of Directors.

Brandon A. Smith

Brandon A. Smith, M.B.A., M.S.R.S., R.T.(R)(VI), CIIP, was elected to serve as ASRT’s president-elect. Smith is a radiology applications specialist in the educational services and customer excellence department of GE Healthcare in Houston, Texas. He currently serves as vice president on the ASRT Board.

Heather Moore

Heather Moore, Ph.D., R.T.(R), was elected to serve as ASRT’s vice president. She is the academic unit head and associate professor at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. Dr. Moore currently serves as secretary on the ASRT Board.

Marissa Mangrum

Marissa Mangrum, M.S.R.S., R.T.(T), was elected to serve as secretary. She is a program director/assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City. This is her first term on the ASRT Board.

Shaun Caldwell

Shaun Caldwell, M.S., R.T.(R)(T), was elected to serve as treasurer. He is an associate professor and program director at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. This is his first term on the ASRT Board.

The new officers will begin their one-year terms after the 2022 ASRT Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting, June 24-26.

Current President-elect Daniel L. Gonzales, M.S.R.S., R.T.(R), FASRT, will be elevated to ASRT president for the 2022-2023 term and current President Kristi Moore, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(CT), will be elevated to chair of the Board.

Voters also elected 28 chapter delegates. Terms for the newly elected chapter delegates will begin July 1, 2022. See a complete list of the newly elected chapter delegates here.

More than 2,300 ASRT members cast votes for officer and delegate candidates in the 2022 ASRT election. Polls were open from Feb. 15 to March 8. Survey & Ballot Systems, an independent election management service based in Minnesota, managed the election process and independently certified the results of the balloting.

Meet Your Elected Candidates


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