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  • Federal Regulations and Legislation

ASRT Pushes Legislators to Delay Medicare Reimbursement Cuts

Dec 07, 2020

ASRT has joined the American Medical Association, the American College of Radiology and other medical imaging groups to support the passage of House Resolution 8702, a measure that would address substantial cuts in Medicare reimbursement rates scheduled to take place in 2021. The planned cuts could result in a significant decrease in payment levels for procedures in radiology, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology and radiation therapy.

In a letter to members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the House Committee on Ways and Means, the ASRT wrote, “These reimbursement cuts are catastrophic figures for the medical imaging and radiation therapy professions.”

H.R. 8702 would amend the Social Security Act to create a two-year “hold harmless” payment for services billed through the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. The legislation would provide relief for physicians delivering services to Medicare recipients and for thousands of ASRT’s members who work in the radiology community nationwide.

We encourage radiologic technologists to contact their legislators through the ASRT Advocacy Action Center and ask them to support H.R. 8702.