Advocating for patient safety and making informed decisions based on a combination of technological insights and clinical judgment are best practices outlined in the American Society of Radiologic Technologists recently published white paper, Best Practices in Digital Radiography.
Best Practices in Digital Radiography is the result of a yearlong effort to provide timely and helpful guidance for practicing radiographers who perform digital radiography examinations. ASRT released its first Best Practices in Digital Radiography white paper in 2012 to promote patient radiation protection measures and professionalism among radiologic technologists. In 2019, the ASRT convened a new workgroup to update the original version. This is the third published white paper on the topic.
Best practices are identified throughout the medical imaging environment, including image acquisition, considerations for pediatric patients and workplace culture and developing technologies. Within the image acquisition category, the authors identified that radiographers must predetermine the precise radiation exposure needed to produce a quality image for diagnostic interpretation. Other key components of the white paper include the history of digital radiography, dose optimization and image quality, radiation safety guidelines and practice parameters.
"This white paper contributes to ASRT’s mission by prioritizing quality, safe patient care," said Melissa Culp, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(MR), ASRT executive vice president of member engagement.
The authors conclude that digital radiography remains a vital tool in diagnosing injury and disease, helping to improve patient outcomes. Technological advances in the profession are ongoing, and it is a primary responsibility of the radiographer to remain current regarding the best practices in digital radiography.
White paper authors are Vesna Balać, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(MR); Daniel N. DeMaio, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(CT); Randy Griswold, M.P.A., R.T.(R); Robert (Bob) Grossman, M.E., R.T.(R)(CT); Lauren B. Noble, Ed.D., R.T.(R); Craig St. George, M.S., R.T.(R)(VI); Jason Young, M.S.Ed., R.T.(R); and Kathryn Faguy, M.A., ELS.