Read the results of ASRT studies and surveys about workplace trends, professional development, educational program statistics and other issues that affect R.T.s.
The Wage and Salary Survey examines technologist wages by discipline, job title, experience, location and other factors. The Wage and Salary Survey is also the basis for the ASRT Salary Estimator.
The Staffing Survey examines the operations of departments in terms of budget, staffing levels, equipment, number of patients and current vacancies.
The Enrollment Snapshot examines year-to-year entering class enrollment statistics as well as longitudinal trends in the number of students and other matters relevant to educators in the radiologic sciences.
The 2020, 2021 and 2022 Enrollment Snapshots included questions about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical education. This report summarizes the responses to the questions asked in each survey.
The 2019 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Survey was conducted to assess how radiologic technologists and radiation therapists are using AI and to assess their perception of the future implications to practice as AI becomes more broadly employed. The results were used to prepare the white paper, The Artificial Intelligence Era: The Role of Radiologic Technologists and Radiation Therapists.
The Clinical Educator Survey asked questions about the role of clinical educators in creating a valuable educational experience, as well as the most important qualities for effective clinical educators to have.
The Computed Tomography Educational Needs Assessment examined many aspects of CT technologists’ work environment, educational preparation and continuing education needs.
The Faculty Development Needs Assessment examined a wide variety of topics relating to educators, including educational best practices, changing instructional technology and educator demographics.
The Forensic Radiography Survey asked questions about the use of medical imaging in the context of forensics.
The Radiation Therapy, Management and Dosimetry Workplace Survey examined daily practice, clinical skill and the impact of emerging technologies in a radiation therapy setting.
Generational Differences in Volunteering asked questions about prior volunteering experience, motivating volunteers in the future and the extent to which ASRT effectively meets their volunteer needs.
The Radiation Protection Survey examined licensure standards and respondents' knowledge of a broad array of radiation protection and safety practices.
The Radiologist Assistant Practice Survey asked respondents about their scope of practice and the reporting and quality standards they use.
The Management Chapter Survey asked respondents about their level of education and experience, the scope and frequency of the managerial duties they perform, and the size and budget of their facility.
The Workplace Safety Issues Survey examines what occupational safety programs have been implemented at facilities.
This salary estimator uses data from the 2022 ASRT Wage and Salary Survey to predict salaries for radiologic technologists.