Legislation, Regulations and Advocacy

Legislation, Regulations and Advocacy
Political Action Committee

Since its founding, the ASRT-PAC® has been working on behalf of medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals to elect and re-elect champions to public office. It is critical, now more than ever, to make sure radiologic technologists have a seat at the table.

The sole source of funding for the ASRT-PAC® comes from ASRT members’ voluntary contributions. It works to elect leaders who will be steadfast in their support for medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals and their patients. None of ASRT members’ contributions are allocated toward the administration of the PAC. The PAC is the only way ASRT can support federal candidates for office, regardless of party.

Radiologic technologists advocate every day for patients, but who is advocating for medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals? The ASRT-PAC® works hard to ensure radiologic technologists have a voice in Washington, and your ASRT-PAC® contribution makes the difference in electing ASRT champions to U.S. Congress.

ASRT members can invest in ASRT’s advocacy for the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession by contributing to the ASRT-PAC®.

Make a Contribution to ASRT-PAC®

Member Login Required.

2024-2025 ASRT-PAC® Board of Directors


Brandon Smith 

Brandon A. Smith, M.B.A., M.S.R.S., R.T.(R)(VI), CIIP

Houston, Texas


Heather Moore 

Heather Moore, Ph.D., R.T.(R)

Loveland, Ohio


Daniel DeMaio, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(CT) 

Daniel DeMaio, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(CT)

Manchester, CT

June 2024-Septemer 2024
Currently vacant


Jason Bradley 

Jason Bradley, B.A., R.T.(R), CAE

Saint Clairsville, Ohio

Public Member

Diane Hutton 

Diane Hutton, B.A., R.T.(R)

Holts Summit, Missouri


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  • What is a PAC?

  • Why is the ASRT-PAC® important?

  • What does the ASRT-PAC do?

  • Why is participation in federal legislation important?

  • Is the ASRT-PAC funded from ASRT member dues?

  • Are donations to the ASRT-PAC tax deductible?

  • Is the ASRT-PAC associated with a political party?