• The ASRT and Foundation sites will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, March 6th from 4:45 - 9pm (MST). Areas requiring login will not be functional during this time.

Maintain Regulatory Compliance

Over 30 Courses Free With Membership 

Access more than 30 brief modules to stay current on workplace safety, patient safety, standards, regulations, infection control and providing care for all patient populations.

Get Started 
EZ Compliance

Benefits of EZ Compliance

Variety of Topics

Choose from over 30 modules on safe CT and MR practices, HIPAA compliance, hand hygiene and more.


Modules can be viewed online any time.

Free to Members

Access to EZ Compliance is included with membership.

Proof of Completion

Easily print a compliance transcript and certificates showing your accomplishments.

Available Modules

Abuse and Neglect Cultural Competence
Elderly Patient Populations Environmental Safety
Fire Safety Hand Hygiene
Hazardous Materials and Waste HIPAA
HIV/AIDS Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Equipment
Medication Safety Mentally Disabled Patient Populations
Non-English Speaking Patient Populations Obese Patient Populations
Patient Communication Patient Identification
Patient Restraints Patient Rights
Pediatric Patient Populations Physically Disabled Patient Populations
Preventing Inpatient Suicide Prevention of Health Care-Associated Infections
Radiation Protection for Radiation Therapy Patients Radiation Protection for Radiation Therapy Personnel
Radiation Safety Radiation Therapy Safety and Quality Assurance
Reducing Patient Falls Safe CT Practices
Safe MRI Practices Safe Fluoroscopy Practices
Section 1557 : Health Care Discrimination Rules and Regulations Storage and Care of Lead Aprons
Student Supervision Substance Abuse
Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Person  

Not a member?

Questions? Call us at 505-298-4500
or e-mail [email protected].

Explore Group Membership — includes access to all courses.