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    • ASRT Announcement

    International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists Council Member Volunteer Position Open

    Jan 22, 2025

    The ASRT is seeking qualified members interested in a volunteer position as a council member for the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists.

    The duties, qualifications and time commitments required for this opening are available through the link below:

    Please contact ASRT Volunteer Services at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

    To see all current positions available, visit the Open Volunteer Opportunities page.

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    • News Releases

    The ASRT Foundation Future of the Profession Corporate Working Group Focuses on Addressing Workforce Shortage

    Jan 28, 2025

    More than 30 representatives from radiologic science corporations and associations met at the American Society of Radiologic Technologists office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Jan. 22 to develop ideas and strategies to address the current radiologic technology workforce shortage.

    Hosted by the ASRT Foundation, the Corporate Roundtable Future of the Profession Corporate Working Group focused on two main strategies:

    • How corporate partners can increase public awareness about the profession to younger people.
    • How to create frameworks and tools with the aim of improving medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals’ engagement with their workplace, job satisfaction and recognition.

    This and other workgroups were formed after the Consensus Committee on the Future of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy meeting, which was hosted by ASRT, American Registry of Radiologic Technology and Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology in February 2024. The committee's work resulted in the White Paper from the 2024 Consensus Committee on the Future of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, which focuses on six key areas to address the workforce shortage, strengthen the profession and build career pathways for professionals.

    "The conversations at this meeting demonstrate how much our corporate partners are eager to work with us in finding successful and sustainable solutions for the future of the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession," said Steve Hardy, M.S., R.T.(R)(T)(CT), CMD, chief operating officer for the ASRT Foundation and executive vice president of development and corporate relations.

    Corporate participants from Accuray, Carestream, Elekta, GE HealthCare, Hologic, Siemens Healthineers and Varian attended alongside association leaders from the ASRT, ARRT and JRCERT.

    "I am absolutely thrilled that the Foundation brought together the Corporate Roundtable so that our corporate sponsors can also talk about ways that they can impact the future of the profession. It is so important that we bring think tanks together to not only brainstorm solutions, but also take action on those solutions," said ASRT CEO and Executive Director Melissa B. Pergola, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(M), FASRT, CAE.

    The outcomes of this meeting will be presented at the 2025 ASRT Foundation Corporate Roundtable Summit, April 29-May 1, in Tucson, Arizona, where action items will be determined.

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    • ASRT Announcement

    ASRT 2025 Annual and Special Election Opens

    Feb 11, 2025

    The American Society of Radiologic Technologists 2025 Officers of the Board and chapter delegate annual election and a special election for the vacant president-elect position opens Feb. 11 and concludes on March 4. Eligible members can view the sample ballot and read the national officer and the chapter delegate candidate profiles at the links below. Eligible voting members are encouraged to vote online at ASRT’s secure voting website.

    The annual ballot contains officer and chapter delegate candidates. The special election ballot includes candidates for the current ASRT president-elect vacancy. The winner of the special election will assume president-elect duties for the remainder of the 2024-2025 Board term and will assume the role of president in June 2025 for the 2025-2026 term.

    The ASRT Board will be officially installed during the Installation of Officers event held during the ASRT Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting in June.

    For more information about the ASRT election process, see the election page. You also may contact ASRT Member Services at 800-444-2778 or [email protected].

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    • ASRT Announcement

    Trustee Position for American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Now Open

    Feb 18, 2025

    The ASRT is seeking qualified members interested in a volunteer position as a trustee on the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists board of trustees.

    The duties, qualifications and time commitments required for this opening are available through the link below:

    Please contact ASRT Volunteer Services at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

    To see all current positions available, visit the Open Volunteer Opportunities page.

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    • ASRT Announcement

    ASRT Student to Leadership Development Program Participants Named

    Feb 20, 2025

    The American Society of Radiologic Technologists has named 109 individuals from across the country to participate in the 2025 ASRT Student to Leadership Development Program.

    The SLDP is a three-year program that offers students a chance to get to know the ASRT, attend educational sessions and network with medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals. Attendance at the ASRT Annual Governance and House of Delegates meeting held June 19-22, 2025, in Reno, Nevada, is included. Airfare, housing and a stipend for meals and other travel expenses are provided.

    The program is open to ASRT student members aged 18 and older enrolled in an accredited medical imaging or radiation therapy program at the time of application. Applicants must be members of the ASRT and an active ASRT affiliate at the time of application and throughout their three years in the program.

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    • ASRT Announcement

    ASRT To Host Free Spring Virtual Career Fair March 19

    Mar 03, 2025

    The American Society of Radiologic Technologists is hosting its second ASRT JobBank® Virtual Career Fair on March 19, from 4-7 p.m. Eastern time. More than 200 participants have signed up to attend.

    This event is free for job seekers and is part of ASRT’s ongoing efforts to address the current medical imaging and radiation therapy profession workforce shortage. The job fair is part of ASRT's efforts to follow the recommendations outlined in the White Paper From the 2024 Consensus Committee on the Future of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy.

    This fully interactive, virtual career fair features top employers looking to recruit professionals in the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession. The career fair’s virtual platform allows job seekers to connect directly with recruiters via text, audio or video chats.

    Prior to the event, participants are encouraged to register, review the participating organizations’ profiles, browse open positions, provide their background experience and prepare to connect with representatives. An internet-connected device is required.

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    • News Releases

    ASRT Announces 2025 Election Results

    Mar 10, 2025

    Members of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists have elected five officers to serve on the 2025-2026 ASRT Board of Directors.

    Brandon Smith

    Brandon A. Smith, M.B.A., M.S.R.S., R.T.(R)(VI), CIIP, was elected in the ASRT Special Election and will be installed as president in June 2025 for the 2025-2026 term. Smith is a senior clinical instructor analyst, global services organizational readiness at GE HealthCare in Houston, Texas.

    Marissa Mangrum

    Marissa Mangrum, M.S.R.S., R.T.(T), was elected to serve as president-elect. Mangrum is a program director/assistant professor, medical imaging and radiation sciences, at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City. Mangrum currently serves as vice president on the ASRT Board.

    Shellie Pike

    Shellie Pike, M.S.R.S., R.R.A., R.T.(R)(CT), was elected to serve as vice president. Pike serves as a registered radiologist assistant for Radiology Consultants of Iowa in Cedar Rapids. She currently serves as speaker of the House on the ASRT Board.

    Amanda Grocott

    Amanda Grocott, M.B.A., R.T.(R)(CT), was elected to serve as secretary. Grocott is a program director for the school of radiography at Sanford Medical Center Fargo in North Dakota.

    Emily Cash

    Emily Cash, M.B.A., M.H.A., R.T.(R)(MR), was elected to serve as treasurer. Cash is the imaging director at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

    The new officers will begin their terms after the 2025 ASRT Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting, June 19-22.

    Current ASRT President Heather Moore, Ph.D., R.T.(R), will be elevated to chair of the Board.

    Voters also elected chapter delegates. Terms for the newly elected chapter delegates will begin July 1, 2025. See a complete list of the newly elected chapter delegates.

    More than 2,500 ASRT members cast votes for officer and delegate candidates in the 2025 ASRT election. Polls were open from Feb. 11 to March 4. Survey & Ballot Systems, an independent election management service based in Minnesota, managed the election process and independently certified the results of the balloting.

    Meet Your Elected Candidates

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    • ASRT Announcement

    ASRT Publishes White Paper on Digital Radiography Best Practices

    Mar 17, 2025

    Advocating for patient safety and making informed decisions based on a combination of technological insights and clinical judgment are best practices outlined in the American Society of Radiologic Technologists recently published white paper, Best Practices in Digital Radiography.

    Best Practices in Digital Radiography is the result of a yearlong effort to provide timely and helpful guidance for practicing radiographers who perform digital radiography examinations. ASRT released its first Best Practices in Digital Radiography white paper in 2012 to promote patient radiation protection measures and professionalism among radiologic technologists. In 2019, the ASRT convened a new workgroup to update the original version. This is the third published white paper on the topic.

    Best practices are identified throughout the medical imaging environment, including image acquisition, considerations for pediatric patients and workplace culture and developing technologies. Within the image acquisition category, the authors identified that radiographers must predetermine the precise radiation exposure needed to produce a quality image for diagnostic interpretation. Other key components of the white paper include the history of digital radiography, dose optimization and image quality, radiation safety guidelines and practice parameters.

    "This white paper contributes to ASRT’s mission by prioritizing quality, safe patient care," said Melissa Culp, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(MR), ASRT executive vice president of member engagement.

    The authors conclude that digital radiography remains a vital tool in diagnosing injury and disease, helping to improve patient outcomes. Technological advances in the profession are ongoing, and it is a primary responsibility of the radiographer to remain current regarding the best practices in digital radiography.

    White paper authors are Vesna Balać, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(MR); Daniel N. DeMaio, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(CT); Randy Griswold, M.P.A., R.T.(R); Robert (Bob) Grossman, M.E., R.T.(R)(CT); Lauren B. Noble, Ed.D., R.T.(R); Craig St. George, M.S., R.T.(R)(VI); Jason Young, M.S.Ed., R.T.(R); and Kathryn Faguy, M.A., ELS.

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